

January 2016

Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

By | 2018-02-05T09:57:59-05:00 January 18th, 2016|holiday, service, Uncategorized|

Today, as we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr., we are reminded of the service Dr. King gave to his community, both here in the U.S. and later abroad. Dr. King understood the importance of the work one does for those around them, and the power of the individual to make [...]

Wishing You a Happy New Year

By | 2018-02-05T09:58:28-05:00 January 1st, 2016|Uncategorized|

O Street International wishes you a Happy and Prosperous New Year and would like to thank everyone for their support in 2015. We have been busy this year, and are looking forward to a successful 2016. Since our founding, we hit the ground running, with a Sports and Wellness Diplomacy program [...]

December 2015

Supporting Exchanges on Giving Tuesday

By | 2018-02-06T13:02:39-05:00 December 1st, 2015|fundraising, Uncategorized|

At O Street International, we understand that a little goes a long way.  That is why we focus on creating relationships through exchanges, one person at a time.  Our mission to use Outreach and Opportunities to Overcome Boundaries relies on the support of those that like us, believe it is a [...]

November 2015